Ultrasound in the Sports Medicine Office – A Top Gear Review Series

Having just attended the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) meeting in Salt Lake City (see BJSM Warm Up Feb 2011) I couldn’t help but be impressed by the progress in ultrasound (US) technology. Smaller, cheaper, better – tremendous advances. Over the next four weeks we will review:

i) The AMSSM curriculum for US

ii) Discuss clinicians’ use of US in competitive sport and where you can find training courses

iii) Review papers that have used US in various body parts (patellar tendon, knee, and low back to name a few) and;

iv) Solicit guest blogs sharing user’s experience.

Just like on Top Gear we’ll test drive some instruments and find out which are the sleek Ferraris, the workhorse Toyotas, and which lemons to avoid.

Have ideas to contribute to the series? Please let us know via the comment section below, or email: karim.khan@ubc.ca

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