Curious about Twitter – for rookies (like me!)

I’ve mentioned @BJSM_BMJ Twitter in previous WarmUps but given that only Mum reads the WarmUps I know it’s fair game to mention it again here.

I reckon Twitter got a bad name early on because it was associated with celebrities sharing boring updates like… ‘am drunk in the limo — whoaa!’. Which is fine but who really cares?

Now that Twitter is part of revolutions in Iran, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, etc more folks are becoming curious. In clinical practice, it is a great way of quickly scanning a lot of cool things that are happening in our field. The key is to develop your personal list of intersting folks to ‘follow’ (unfortunate sheep-like connotations but think of it as ‘teaming up with’).  So Twitter brings me links about new papers in our field, important conferences, excellent books to read. Opinions about current controversies. It’s efficient because I can scroll down a page of Tweets in a minute and just dive deeper into those that grab me today. And it’s not all work – you can sneak in a couple of ‘fun’ folks into your list like ‘@Queen_UK’ and ‘@falseSteveJobs’ for some lighthearted breaks.

This link is a nice BMJ intro  @Dr_Fiona is one of the prominent tweeters who will direct you to lots of other interesting folks in the field. She blogs on BMJ Blogs as well. Click here for her blog on social media.

On the physio side, @TheSportsPT is an active tweeter (with a practical blog for clinicians) and we have lots of physios following @BJSM_BMJ.

Will leave it there – is just meant to be a teaser if you are wondering about it! See you @BJSM_BMJ.

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