No Oscar for BJSM videos but 1.3 million page views isn’t bad!

Just  a short blog post today to alert you to lots of great free material on the home page. We didn’t get an Oscar for the ‘Mark Hutchinson’ physical exam videos but nomination can’t be far off. Learn to examine the knee, shoulder, hip/groin in this practical series. It’s free!

And in the blizzard of great free stuff on the internet it is easy to miss gems like the BJSM podcasts – there are about 15 interviews with leaders in sports medicine ranging across fields from ACL injuries and concussion to ‘exercise is medicine’.

The ACL series is particularly strong – hear from Engebretsen, Hewett and also the Scandinavian team who published in the NEJM last year – 3 different podcasts!

Paul McCrory walks you through the Zurich concussion consensus meeting – with 3 different podcasts customized to your level of experience.

And folks travel across the world to hear Stephen Blair explain why fit is more important than ‘thin’ – in a nutshell you need to exercise for health but carrying a few pounds is not a major health problem (other than for arthritis). Link to podcast here.

Please feel free to name who you would like to hear from via the comments section of this Blog or via direct emails to

We’ve had great feedback about the podcasts – try a recent one on your iPod, iPad or at the desk in the background while you take care of emails! Very convenient!

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