Exciting Exercise Medicine Study Opportunity in Tanzania with Paul Hodges

In addition to a unique setting to learn about “managing pain by changing the brain, ” and to gain insight into the  effects of altitude on exercise, clinicians and students have the opportunity to learn from the expertise of Dr. Paul Hodges.

Dr. Hodges is an award winning Researcher, Director of the University of Queensland’s Centre of Clinical Research Excellence: Spine, Head of Human Neuroscience Unit, NHMRC Principal Research Fellow, and Professorial Research Fellow. He specializes in the prevention and treatment of spinal pain, and has ongoing international collaborations with laboratories in Sydney, Melbourne, Sweden, USA, the Netherlands, Denmark and South Africa. In keeping with the Safari theme, Dr. Hodges wrote a 2008 editorial in the BJSM titled Transversus abdominis: a different view of the elephant

Course Summary:

Each day, while the wildlife rest from the heat, Prof Paul Hodges DSc, PhD, will update you on his ground breaking research into Pain Management and the ramifications of his findings for clinicians and researchers. Gorilla trekking in Rwanda and climbing Mt Kilimanjaro are pre and post safari options.

While trekking, Prof Hodges and the group will conduct a study into the effects of altitude on exercise, making these post safari options an educational, as well as a once-in-a lifetime experience. Numbers are limited to 28 for this unique study vacation seminar.

For information on registration and course outline follow the link here. Only 8 of 28 places remain, so if interested, register quickly!

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