4 Tips for Success in Life and Sports Medicine

Ron Zernicke bjsm
BJSM Associate Editor Ron Zernicke (centre), with his wife Kathy, pictured receiving an honorary degree at Canada’s University of Waterloo.

The BJSM Blog is an ideal place to capture some of the wisdom of our wonderful cadre of Editorial Board members. We can acknowledge their pre-eminence in the field and we can learn from their advice. In the link, Ron Zernicke, one of the giants of biomechanics and sports medicine, shares a lifetime of wisdom. ‘Keep your fork’ is a wonderful symbol of his optimistic outlook on life.

“Keep your fork.” It would seem an odd thing to say to approximately 600 graduands at a university convocation, but that was exactly part of the advice that commencement speaker Ronald Zernicke gave UW’s morning graduation ceremony on Saturday.

“My mother always told me, ‘keep your fork’, because the best is yet to come,” Zernicke said smiling. “She meant dessert.”

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