Review: “Moving Worlds” Special Issue on Literature, Medicine, Health

by Jeffrey M. Brown “Literature, Medicine, Health [Special Issue].” Moving Worlds 19.2 (2019) A recent volume of Moving Worlds begins with a short poem by UK Poet Laureate Simon Armitage entitled “Finishing It.” “I can’t configure / a tablet / chiselled by God’s finger / or forge / a scrawled prescription,” the poet admits; instead, […]

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From the December Issue: Sarah Orne Jewett’s depictions of women in a changing medical profession

Today, we are pleased to preview an [open access] article from the December issue by Catherine Hand. She is a third year medical student at Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine with degrees in English literature from the University of Dallas and Wichita State University. Her research interests include rural healthcare and the history of medicine, […]

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