December 2021 Special Issue: Transplantation and its Imaginaries

Dec SITransplantation: changing biotechnologies and imaginaries
Donna McCormack, Margrit Shildrick

Hauntological dimensions of heart transplantation: the onto-epistemologies of deceased donation
Margrit Shildrick

The times and spaces of transplantation: queercrip histories as futurities
Donna McCormack

Faecal microbiota transplants: towards a healthy disgust scepticism
Jessica Houf

‘Dirty pigs’ and the xenotransplantation paradox
Gill Haddow

May I have your uterus? The contribution of considering complexities preceding live uterus transplantation [read the article summary]
Lisa Guntram

‘That is the skin of my brother’: alterity, hybridity and media representations of facial transplantation
Marc Lafrance

Waiting, strange: transplant recipient experience, medical time and queer/crip temporalities
Sara Wasson

Ka mura ka muri: understandings of organ donation and transplantation in Aotearoa New Zealand [read the article summary]
Rhonda Shaw, Robert Webb

Understanding the problem of long-term treatment adherence: a phenomenological framework
Francisca Stutzin Donoso

Before compassion: sympathy, tact and the history of the ideal nurse [read the article summary]
Sarah Chaney

Complexities in interdisciplinary community engagement projects: some reflections and lessons from an applied drama and theatre project in diabetes care [read the article summary]
Jennifer Watermeyer, Victoria Jane Hume, Tshegofatso Seabi, Rhona Nattrass

Delirium in intensive care: violence, loss and humanity [read the article summary]
Victoria Jane Hume

The illness-disease dichotomy and the biological-clinical splitting of medicine [read the article summary]
Luigi Tesio, Marco Buzzoni

Tales of treatment and new perspectives for global health research on antimicrobial resistance [read the article summary]
Marco J Haenssgen, Nutcha Charoenboon, Patthanan Thavethanutthanawin, Kanokporn Wibunjak

Architecture as change-agent? Looking for innovation in contemporary forensic psychiatric hospital design
Rebecca Mclaughlan, Codey Lyon, Dagmara Jaskolska

Bibliotherapy in practice: a person-centred approach to using books for mental health and dementia in the community
Liz Brewster, Sarah McNicol

Changes in emotions and perceived stress following time spent in an artistically designed multisensory environment
Bliss Cavanagh, Kirsti Haracz, Miranda Lawry, Kylie Wales, Carole James

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