CfP: 7th Annual Postgraduate Bioethics Conference: Bioethics in Law and Public Policy

via Isra Black:

The convenors of the 7th annual Postgraduate Bioethics Conference invite doctoral students working in any area of bioethics to submit abstracts for this year’s conference, which will take place on 22-24 May 2013 at King’s College London.

In accordance with the theme of this year’s conference, we would particularly welcome papers that explore the law and/or policy dimensions of bioethics scholarship. We hope that the papers presented at PGBC 2013 will relate not only to the ethical implications of a particular issue, but also to the additional problems raised by the responses to ethical issues fashioned by laws and policies.

Please submit your abstracts to postgrad.bioethics [at] Abstracts should be in English, no more than 300 words, and in Word or preferably .pdf format.  Please note that you must be a registered PhD student, and we will only accept abstracts sent from a valid institutional email address.

The deadline for abstract submissions is 31 March 2013. Successful applicants will be notified by email by 10 April 2013. There will be an opportunity for unsuccessful applicants and those not wishing to give a paper to register as attendees (for free!) from 22 April 2013. The link to registration is:

Confirmed speakers include: Jonathan Glover (KCL), Rosamund Scott (KCL), Stephen Wilkinson (Lancaster), John Coggon (Southampton), James Wilson (UCL), Mark Sheehan (Oxford), and Tom Douglas (Oxford).

More information on PGBC 2013 is available at We are also on twitter ( and facebook ( Please contact us via social media or email (postgrad.bioethics [at] with any questions.

 We look forward to meeting you in May!

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