CONF & CFP: 9th International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation

From Ralf Jox (Munich)

Call for Abstracts: “Clinical ethics: bridging clinical medicine and ethics”.

The Ninth International Conference on Clinical Ethics Consultation (ICCEC) 2013 will take place in Munich, Germany.

The conference’s intention is to strengthen the bridge between clinical medicine and ethics by providing a forum for the exchange of experience and discussions between clinicians, ethicists and ethics consultants.  In particular, the conference will feature
“role model consultations” based on real clinical cases from intensive care, dementia care, and oncology.  In addition, plenary sessions will focus on the needs for
ethics consultation from the perspective of clinicians and connect them to the experience of ethics consultants.  Ample time will also be provided for free oral or poster contributions based on an abstract competition.

All colleagues interested in ethics and medicine from all over the world are invited to
make the ICCEC 2013 a lively experience and a forum for fruitful exchange and helpful information.

The Scientific and Advisory Committees have identified the following four topic areas of interest:

A) What are relevant or neglected areas and topics of clinical ethics consultation?

• End-of-life decision making, medical futility, do-not-resuscitate orders

• Intercultural problems

• Priority setting and rationing in the clinical setting

• Clinical research involving patients

• Ethics consultation in clinical fields with vulnerable patients, e.g. geriatrics or


 B) What are the ideas that underlie clinical ethics consultation? 

• Ethical and philosophical justifications, anthropological basics

• Organizational ethics and the role of institutional management

• Difference between ethics consultation and palliative care services

• The role of the patient and the patient’s family in ethics consultation

C) How does clinical ethics consultation work and how should it be carried out? 

• Decision making process

• Methods of individual case consultation

• Ethics guidelines and policies

• Requirements, barriers and strategies in implementing ethics structures

• Transparency and the question of patient consent

D) How can the quality of clinical ethics consultations be ensured? 

• Moral competence, professional competence of consultants

• International quality standards – within and across cultures

• Evaluation of ethics consultation

• Credentialing of professionals and institutions doing ethics consultation


Abstract Deadline:  September 15, 2012

For more Information see:

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