#FGBlog :Disparity between current guidelines and prescribing in IBD: Is it a lack of awareness or lack of convincing evidence?

It is a well-known fact that the greatest limitation of large randomised controlled trial studies is their lack of external validity with specific patients being excluded from important studies due to their co-morbidities including surgical history (such as ileostomies), age (whether that be children or the elderly) and gender (with females being more likely to […]

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A potential new role for faecal calprotectin in monitoring biliary tract disease

Most gastroenterologists have long been familiar with faecal calprotectin (fCal), and it is widely used as a non-invasive test both to screen for the presence of inflammation in those with lower GI symptoms, and to quantitatively monitor disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Calprotectin is a member of the S100 protein family found […]

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Despite the ongoing COVID0-19 pandemic, the last year has seen Frontline Gastroenterology continue to publish great content that educates and informs doctors around the world to provide care for their patients. We are grateful to everyone who has submitted their work to us. To celebrate this, we have launched the #FGCup on Twitter to allow […]

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Intestinal ultrasound assessment in IBD: another string to the gastroenterologist’s bow?

Although we live in an era of global collaboration, there are a number of circumstances in which gastroenterology practice in the UK is at odds with our European and Australian counterparts. For most UK gastroenterologists, for example, performing and interpreting ultrasound (US) in the outpatient clinic would be out of our comfort zone. Two recent […]

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#FGBlog: Telephone clinics in gastroenterology: here to stay?

Making changes within the NHS can feel complex and lumbering. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated change, with specialist units needing to demonstrate agility and innovation in ensuring patient access to services. Whilst doctors and patients alike may have found the pace of change hard to navigate, it is important to take stock and evaluate whether […]

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