Since early 2021 I am now located at the Hochschule für Gesundheit in Bochum, Germany, as a Professor of Physiotherapy. My main priority in life is a father, supporter and mentor for my three daughters.

What is your main area of research / clinical expertise?
Musculoskeletal health.
What is your motivation to be a member of the BOSEM team?
Working with a team of quality researchers on topics of mutual internet and to the benefit of the positioning of the journal
What is a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
Various things, but I try to not take them all too seriously.
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
There have been several people that have influenced how I go about my work. This is, of course, starting from during PhD with my supervisors. Having said that, the voice, wisdom and statements of my, now, unfortunately, passed away, mentor Prof. Dieter Felsenberg (Charite, Berlin), is often in my head when thinking about how to approach a professional issue. He was eminently chilled out and a top person in his field.
What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?
Spending time with my kids in a meaningful, attentive way.