I am a General Practitioner and Sports and Exercise Medicine (SEM) Specialist Registrar currently working in an SEM role in Emergency Medicine. I work with several sporting teams at both international and club levels, including the Football Association of Ireland, Louth Gaelic Football and Shamrock Rovers Football Club. I have also worked across some other sports, including Rugby, Rowing and Athletics. I strive to translate elite sports medicine care to all levels of exercising individuals. I have a passion for promoting exercise and preventative medicine and am involved at a local level with community medically guided exercise groups. I am an external lecturer for the SEM M.Sc. course at Trinity College Dublin and provide SEM-related lectures to General Practice trainees. I play Gaelic football for my local club in my spare time and enjoy golfing and hiking.

What is your main area of research / clinical expertise?
I wouldn’t regard myself as an expert but someone with a growth mindset to always learn and improve. Academically, aside from my lecturing positions, I helped develop the BJSM ‘Education from other Journals’ section and have to lead the author group to 13 publications of the section. Clinically I have a specific interest in musculoskeletal injuries, concussion and exercise promotion and prescription.
What is your motivation to be a member of the BOSEM team?
It is exciting to be part of such an innovative and passionate international group of like-minded individuals. I am keen to learn from others to enhance my clinical and educational skillset and bring this knowledge and experience to the individuals I care for.
What is a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
I am proud to have been Team Doctor to several Rep. of Ireland International football teams, including most recently the Men’s U21 Team. Representing my country on the sidelines is a huge honour.
Who has influenced you most when it comes to how you approach your work?
I’ve been lucky to have worked alongside some incredible people – too many to mention. Still, Dr Alan Byrne and Dr Martin Mulroy have both been excellent mentors and key influences on my career, and I’m very grateful for their support.
What’s your favourite way to unwind after a busy day?
Go for a run! ‘Exercise is a mans best medicine’!