It is rare for a healthcare book to successfully appeal to two quite different audiences simultaneously. This new book, by anaesthetists Dr Sunil Kumar and Dr Toni Brunning, is the exception to that rule. For patients, it offers valuable knowledge and reassurance about what to expect during the lead in time for an operation, how to […]
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System Leadership and One Health – how far can we stretch? By Dr Helen Crimlisk
The task put to us was simple, if daunting. “What you would have done differently as a Leader today had you known what your imagined future would look like 30 years from now.” It was a powerful exercise which exposed our own deep-seated anxieties and uncertainties about the health for future generations. What would the […]
India’s tribal health? Do we have a roadmap for health equity? By Jasmine Maringmei
Globally, indigenous health has emerged as a critical frontier in public health. Countries like Australia, Brazil, Chile, and New Zealand with significant indigenous populations have led the way in aligning their national policies with international frameworks such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2007 (UNDRIP) and the International Labor Organization’s […]
Humanitarian Leadership: Across to the Caribbean. By Eleanor Harvey
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The city spanning valley and mountain, where art and music are wrapped up in culture yet muffled by the battles that rage and the bullets that ricochet through its streets. Here is a recounting of my first trip to the Caribbean, where I worked as a humanitarian project pharmacy manager. This blog aims […]
The Transformative Power of Storytelling – Now, more than ever, we need clinicians’ stories. By Matthew Lewis, Sarah Smithson & Kari Mader
Historically linked[i] with practices of healing and alleviating distress, in recent years healthcare has increasingly embraced storytelling, acknowledging its vital role in addressing burnout, nurturing resilience, and driving behavior change. In the America, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy advocates for ‘story-based’ interventions for youth mental health;[ii] Atul Gawande, surgeon and researcher turned writer and storyteller, employs […]
In conversation with Sanjiv Ahluwalia
To watch this interview, please follow this link Hello. I’m Domhnall MacAuley and welcome to this BMJ Leader conversation. Today I’m talking to Sanjiv Ahluwalia who is leading one of the new medical schools in the UK. Its quite an adventure. But let me take you back to the beginning. Where did it all start? […]
In conversation with Claire Lemer
To watch this interview, please follow this link Hello, I’m Domhnall MacAuley and welcome to this “BMJ Leader Conversation’. Today we’re in the UK and I’m talking to Clare Lemer. Let’s bring it back to the very beginning. What started you in medicine? Claire Lemer: So that’s a really good question because, if you’d known me […]
Sorry for the inconvenience but this is an emergency – the non-violent struggle for our planet’s future – Book Review by Dr Geraldine Swift
At its heart this book is a call to make the world a fairer place and to recognise our power, not only as citizens but also as doctors. As a psychiatrist, author Lynne Jones clearly recognises that we identify most with personal encounters and so, alongside many references, statistics and philosophical analyses, the warmth of […]
In conversation with Sue Holden
To watch this interview, please follow this link Hello, I’m Domhnall MacAuley and welcome to this BMJ Leader conversation. Today we’re in the UK and I’m talking to Sue Holden. You’ve had the most fascinating career. But, you didn’t start off in the health service, tell us where it all began. Sue Holden: My very […]
MBE and me. By Chloe Orkin
When I saw the words ‘Cabinet Office’ on the envelope my initial thought was ‘am I being deported?’ Then I saw a jumble of words including ‘King’, “His Majesty’ and ‘Member of the Order of the British Empire’ and it eventually dawned on me that I was being recommended for an MBE for services to […]