Our experience with rapid evidence synthesis: mid-level health providers (MLHPs) for Primary Health Care

  What does conducting rapid evidence synthesis for decision making look like? Sandeep Moola shares his experience for developing one on MLHPs for LMICs Historically, mid-level health providers (MLHPs) have been providing diagnostic and clinical services, in high-income countries (HICs) as well as resourced constrained settings in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). They are variously […]

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Ensuring LMIC participation in global health conferences

In spite of increasing digitalisation of the society, in-person conferences continue to remain as a critical forum for share knowledge and building networks. Major conferences are usually held in high-income counties .Participation from researchers in low and middle-income countries (LMIC) continue to remain a challenge. A major factor associated with low participation is high cost. […]

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