Arriving in Ramallah in December from a freezing UK, both the temperature and the welcome were very warm. The purpose was a regular visit to the students on the collaborative […]
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Tessa Richards: Do you have a global partner?
How far does your interest in global health stretch? Far enough to have forged a link between your hospital or practice and a similar one in a low income country? […]
Juliet Walker on what’s new this week on
This week sees the launch of the BMJ’s first Christmas appeal. The money we hope to raise will go to Medécins Sans Frontières. They provide an invaluable service in some […]
Richard Smith on the right to health
On first acquaintance the concept of a right to health can seem ridiculous. Why not a right to happiness, beauty, high intelligence, and Arsenal winning the cup every year? The […]
David Pencheon: Climate change – a new take on health co-benefits
There are so many very good reasons for clinicians to seriously address climate change. One of the more compelling reasons is the health co-benefits argument. The rationale here is that […]
Anna Donald blogging again
It’s been a bit of a rough five weeks, as readers might have guessed from the protracted absence of blogs. Apparently I was “overdosed” on chemotherapy and ended up in […]
Trish Groves on European clinical trials
The calls to cut the red tape that ties up clinical trials in Europe grow louder and louder (see Editor’s choice, It’s time to change how Europe regulates research). Now […]
Richard Smith on why diabetes envies cancer
Those who campaign on diabetes envy those who campaign on cancer because cancer gets so much more attention than diabetes. Indeed, the diabetes campaigners are very frustrated that diabetes is […]
Alison Godbolt on identity cards … invasion of privacy or commonsense?
A few years ago I saw myself as a bit of a defender of privacy. Now I’m slightly older (and wiser?). I wonder whether identity cards – traditionally opposed by […]
A global conversation on defining health: Alex Jadad and Laura O’Grady
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” In February of 2008 we dreamt of the possibility of […]