I have reached the age when I look forward to a literary festival more than a rock concert. I relish the pre-opening canapés, the excited buzz around the bookstall, the […]
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Richard Lehman’s journal blog, 24 May 2009
Floppy iris, diabetes, virtual surgery, and blood pressure lowering are just a few of this week’s splendidly discussed topics in Richard’s blog. […]
Stephen Ginn on self help: friend or foe?
There was a page advert in the Metro this week for a three days seminar with TV hypnotist Paul McKenna and pals which promised to “Change your life in three […]
Joe Collier on working with the media
Medicine’s relationship with the mass media is fickle with clinicians praising its judgement one minute (when they are subject to media approval) and cursing its trickery the next (when the […]
Domhnall MacAuley: Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen
An extra 2000 GPs were promised when the Minister of Health in Norway heard Barbara Starfield speak on a previous visit to Scandinavia. Roar Maagaard, in quoting this figure in […]
Tessa Richards: Paying for health in Europe
Two years ago health ministers in the Czech Republic decided to focus on the financial sustainability of health systems during their six months at the EU presidency helm. Was this […]
Richard Lehman’s journal blog, 16 May 2009
This week, Richard ponders a multitude of topics, including the usefulness of prognostic markers for heart failure, the pros and cons of aspirin, and the ins and outs of climate […]
Tony Waterston on climate change talks at the Commons
A meeting in the House of Commons to discuss the health impact of climate change? Surely that would be worth 32kg of CO2 to travel from Newcastle for – since […]
William Lee on Philip Nitschke’s return to the UK
Philip Nitschke is in the UK giving his DIY suicide workshops again. I attended one of these in October and blogged about it then. His reappearance reminded me that last […]
Richard Feinmann on aid to Africa
Sitting here pondering as a VSO doctor in Uganda I wonder all the time is the aid money to Africa well spent. Uganda gets £70m from the Department for International […]