We need to listen to communities of people who have recovered from illness, says Paul Garner I loved my job, had good friends, and felt as high as a […]
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The emotional journey of the covid vaccine recipient
Mary Higgins reflects on how it feels to receive the covid-19 vaccination […]
Ann Robinson’s research reviews—22 January 2021
Ann Robinson reviews the latest research from the top medical journals […]
Sam Allen: Tear down structural barriers to close gender pay gap
Female hospital doctors are paid nearly 20 percent less than male hospital doctors. Not adjusted for contracted hours, that figure rises to 24.4 percent. For GPs, it’s as high as […]
Jeffrey Aronson: When I Use a Word . . . Marijuana in 1980 and the influence of the 60s
“Sexual intercourse”, wrote Philip Larkin in his poem Annus Mirabilis, “began / In nineteen sixty-three / (which was rather late for me) — / Between the end of the ‘Chatterley’ […]
What can clinicians say to patients who ask about climate change?
We talk to patients about the perils of smoking, but are we ready to talk to patients about the more dangerous perils of climate change? Many health professionals will baulk […]
Those with the least have suffered the most during the covid-19 pandemic
People on the lowest incomes have faced the worst of the pandemic’s economic bite, write Ian Hamilton and Aleks Collingwood […]
The isolation paradox: proposed localised care training during the covid-19 pandemic in Scotland
Isolation is a double-edged sword: for infection prevention and control it means an island safe from the invasion of the coronavirus, but for many in this increasingly globalised age it […]
Revisiting the UK’s strategy for delaying the second dose of the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine
Neutralising antibody immunity likely to fall with delayed dose, say these authors […]
Boundaries in medicine: How can we preserve our wellbeing, while still sharing our humanity?
Gaye Cunnane describes how for her the essence of a fulfilling career in medicine is grounded in connection […]