The right to participation is the “the right of rights”, that is the basic right of people to have a say in how decisions that affect their lives are made. […]
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Co-production of knowledge to strengthen Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme
Chris Atim and Ama Fenny share experiences with co-production approaches to strengthen health insurance in Ghana Ghana’s National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) aims to provide all residents with financial risk […]
Co-production between researchers and policymakers is critical for achieving health systems change
Peter M. Hansen, Christina Synowiec and Nathan J. Blanchet share strategies for using co-production approaches to accelerate systems change Technical institutions, such as universities and other governmental or non-governmental research […]
Co-production of knowledge must move further and faster to strengthen health systems
There is widespread and growing interest in the role the co-production of knowledge can play in bridging the gap between evidence and policy implementation to improve health policies and strengthen […]
SNP chips perform poorly for detecting very rare genetic variants
We are both geneticists interested in finding and understanding diseases caused by rare genetic variants. Genetic testing for these rare diseases can have profound clinical impact. For example, women with […]
Nigel Edwards: After the market—what do the proposed new plans mean for the NHS?
For 25 years, politicians from the Thatcher to the Cameron government tried to use market principles and competition to push the NHS forwards, culminating in the 2012 Health and Social […]
Chris Ham: Credible proposals for social care reform are needed if health and social care integration is to work
The government’s white paper on health and social care is a staging post in the development of integrated care. Its core proposals—to establish integrated care systems as statutory bodies, introduce […]
Is asymptomatic transmission in young people driving the current wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic?
By early December 2020 it became apparent that the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in the south east of England was growing fast and particularly among young people. [1] This rapid growth coincided […]
Alexander Mafi: All sizzle and no stake—why medical school feedback needs a revamp
Medical students should have collective input into how their courses are designed and led, says Alexander Mafi […]
Covid-19 must be a tipping point for tackling inequalities
On 20 January, Priti Patel warned against hesitancy towards the covid-19 vaccine among ethnic minority groups and said that it is “safe for us all,” after reports that misinformation about […]