I have been looking for biomedical black swans, unexpected findings discovered by acute observation, among discoveries marked by the inclusion of relevant terms noted in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). […]
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Covid-19 vaccine equity as a global good
Financial, epidemiological, and moral arguments should push policy makers to move away from nation centric vaccine policies and move towards global vaccine equity. In 1955, when Jonas Salk was asked […]
Hay fever is just one example of how we can put practical preventive advice into medical practice
As clinicians we often reach for medication first, writes Graham Mackenzie. Yet, taking the example of hay fever, he finds that many of the resources we have for clinical guidance […]
Recruitment, retention, and the covid-19 pandemic
The covid-19 pandemic is a timely reminder that our health system is only as strong as its workforce. For over a year, health workers worldwide have mobilised to treat those […]
The government must support communities across the UK to tackle covid-19 long term
Working with local public health teams is key to delivering an efficient, sustainable strategy, says Maggie Rae With vaccination programmes driving forward across all four nations of the UK, it […]
Christine Peters: Covid-19 is airborne, so what needs to happen next?
It would be hard to have missed the clashing of the views in infectious diseases, aerosol science, and evidence based medicine over “airborne” transmission of SARS-CoV-2 over the past few […]
Patient directors—the next step in the patient revolution
Six years ago, Michael Seres, a champion for patient centred care, Alison Cameron, a consultant in patient and public involvement, and I, gave evidence to the Future of NHS Leadership […]
Continuity of care during covid-19: needed now more than ever?
Imagine if we had a polypill with a strong evidence base for reduced morbidity and mortality, improved patient satisfaction, reduced outpatient referrals, safer prescribing, and lower hospital admission rates. [1,2] […]
Trusted messengers are key to encouraging vaccine uptake
Recent reports have highlighted concerns regarding uptake of the covid-19 vaccine in ethnic minority groups, including among healthcare workers. Guidance on how to increase covid-19 vaccine uptake among frontline NHS […]
Julian Sheather: Post Growth—why health is central to a sustainable economy
In his fascinating new book Post Growth, Tim Jackson, director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity, asks a disarmingly straightforward question: how are we to live well […]