It was a rude awakening for me when a new registrar colleague exclaimed with glee: “your GMC number begins with a 6!” I hadn’t the heart to tell her that […]
Junior doctors
Rosamund Snow: What to call junior doctors—a patient’s perspective
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh have recently called for a change in the way we refer to junior doctors–“junior” and “trainee” sounds too pejorative and affects the morale […]
Ahmed Rashid: Medical careers—it’s what you make of it
The first year of medical postgraduate training, known in the UK as foundation year one (or previously as the “pre-registration house officer” year), is a decisive time for junior doctors. […]
Martin Kaminski: What I’ll miss about the NHS
As another first Wednesday in August approaches, I feel pensive and wistful that this year I won’t be spending changeover day in the heart of the National Health Service. Although […]
Alice Gerth: What to do about junior doctor morale?
Negotiations, four emergency care only strikes, a threatened imposition, one full strike, a referendum rejecting the contract and an imposition. It’s been an interesting few months. Many junior doctors are […]
Reena Aggarwal: Are junior doctors going to vote for the new contract proposal?
Junior doctors are caught in a maelstrom; voting for or against a contract that is the best offer yet proposed, but with questions about its fairness, safety, and practical application […]
Partha Kar: A question of faith
There’s something deep seated within the whole junior doctor angst, isn’t there? Many have joined the bandwagon and converted their angst into a lightening rod for all comers, but peel […]
Neel Sharma: We need to understand the real life applications of technology in medical education
Technology as we all know has caused significant movement in medical education. In reality this was not a desire of our own as doctors, but was brought to us courtesy […]
Reena Aggarwal on the politicisation of junior doctors
The term junior doctor has entered into vernacular. We have become a news story with media, politicians, and satirists all using it as subject matter. Last year little was known […]
Post-it note triage: A little documentation, a big difference
In January this year I spent a fortnight volunteering at the Moria Refugee Camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. At the time Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was the primary […]