According to the Faculty of Public Health’s careers booklet, the speciality is all about focusing on “the bigger picture.” It describes us as taking action to “promote healthy lifestyles, prevent […]
Junior doctors
Helen Barratt is feeling the pinch
Last week I found myself at a conference on multidisciplinary teamwork in the NHS, and one of the keynote speakers observed that the main benefit of the “credit crunch” is […]
Lucy Dennison on changing her surname
I seem to be at an age when every summer weekend involves a wedding. When it came to my own wedding this summer I had to face the dilemma of […]
Helen Barratt: Back to reality
Returning to full-time work after a year of studying has taken some getting used to. I’m slowly adjusting to my Outlook calendar running my life, and learning to survive the […]
Klaus Morales: Can doctors be healthy AND happy?
“Work is central to wellbeing, and certain features correlate highly with happiness.” Tony Delamothe (BMJ 2005;331:1489-1490). Agree. But to what extent? I just got home from a whole day of […]
Bruno Rushforth: The jailer
Who’d be a psychiatrist? The emotional burden of caring for patients presenting in real distress; trying to negotiate a way forward when dealing with someone with a skewed sense of […]
Helen Barratt: Talking the talk
I wasn’t a bit surprised to read the report cited in this week’s journal about the use of jargon in public health. In fact, I rather wish I’d come up […]
Helen Barratt: Another round of paperwork
I’ve spent most of the last two weeks compiling paperwork for my ARCP (annual review of competency progression), which replaced the old SpR RITAs [records of in-training assessments] when MMC […]
Helen Barratt: In praise of the NHS
Studying for an MSc in Public Health this year, with students from a range of backgrounds, has been refreshing after years of learning and working with medics. However in classes, […]
Helen Barratt: Testing times
I’m looking forward to yet another May bank holiday weekend revising for exams. In an idle moment the other day, I realised that I’ve been buried behind a pile of […]