It may be time for different salaries for different specialties in different locations to plug extreme rota gaps, say Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley […]
Peter Brindley
Peter Brindley and Matt Morgan: Burnout in healthcare workers—are we surprised?
There is a picture of a vending machine that went viral. This is because a note was placed on the glass that describes how many of us feel: “the light […]
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley: Doctor does not always know best
For centuries, old white men have argued about whether medicine is more of a science or an art. That is until, belatedly, some smart Alec—or some smart Alexa—realised that patient […]
Peter Brindley: You’re going to die, why not live?
Several months ago, I committed to “just slow down,” to reduce computer worship, and to be more present and thoughtful. Well, the report card is in: moderate effort; minimal progress; see […]
Peter Brindley: Thank God for science
Science is often given short shrift because it is hard work, and makes our collective heads hurt. In a world where objective truth receives a daily thrashing we need to […]
Peter Brindley: Coming to terms with death and what we leave behind
I was in a car crash recently; fortunately only my pride and pocket book were injured. If I’m honest, my major response was mainly one of annoyance. I did not […]
Peter Brindley and Matt Morgan: Advice to medical school applicants—be average
Why we shouldn’t be afraid to admit to failure […]
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley: Medicine in the “Age of Anger”
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley encourage us to take a deep breath […]
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley: Medical conference emojis—which one are you?
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley have been studying human doctors in their native conference environment […]
Peter Brindley: The past just ain’t what it used to be
Peter Brindley contemplates how Victorian medicine and its failings holds up a mirror to medicine now […]