Like the 1930’s comedy brothers Groucho, Chicho and Harpo, the political theorist Karl Marx was a funny old chap. The man who penned Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto actually […]
Peter Brindley
Peter Brindley: Life and death—definitely a laughing matter
Today is Mum’s birthday. There will be much laughter and the stories will be brought out and passed around like treasures. It will be hilarious, ludicrous and wistful: much like […]
Is TED dead?—a return to good-old fashioned conversation
We two authors used to attend medical conferences that felt more like pathetic gladiator battles. Weapons included poison-tipped USB sticks, monotone delivery, and a complete lack of eye-contact. The audience’s […]
Peter Brindley: But why are we here?
Spend enough time in a medical job and you’ll face unexpected and existential questions. The most curious may even come from your own family. Several Christmases ago I faced a […]
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley: Some Christmas words of cheer for today’s trainees
In the seasonal spirit of giving, Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley share what they’ve learnt from their time in medicine […]
Celebrating unglamorous medical jobs…and understanding what matters in the end
There is no more important medical job than simply being there […]
Matt Morgan and Peter Brindley: Doctors are not d**kheads, but they are human beings
Mean spirited insults close off the necessary wisdom, communication, and relationships so necessary in complex healthcare […]
Peter Brindley: Talk is cheap, but healthcare is definitely not
There seems to be no end to our healthcare demands, but there does appear to be a limit to how much tax we will pay, says Peter Brindley […]
Peter Brindley: Vive la différence? Polite Canadian suggestions for those working in the British NHS
Canada is multicultural and multilingual in the same way as your average British emergency room. Both work better when we listen as much as we talk […]
Peter Brindley: Trust me with your death?
It’s a favorite quip of mine, but usually elicits little more than eye rolls. I ask medical trainees if they enjoy reading fiction, and if they reply “yes” then I […]