Most smokers are happy to light a stranger’s cigarette, but what if that stranger was a child? Watch this and see what happens… As a colleague noted, the best part about this video is that it turns the “kids shouldn’t smoke” message on its head. I completely agree. It is well established that the […]
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Choking on smoke in multi-unit housing
Imagine you are sitting down to enjoy a nice meal in your own dining room, or settling in to your bed to read a good book or perhaps taking a long soak in your bath and all you could smell and breathe is cigarette smoke. Now, if you were eating in a nice restaurant or […]
Indonesia: a paradise for the tobacco industry
In the Journal this month, Editor, Ruth Malone, highlights how “Indonesia not only permits but abets and encourages some of the most aggressive tobacco advertising in the world, including tobacco advertisements featured on police traffic kiosks.” Watch the revealing video below to see just how the industry is exporting its most aggressive strategies, those no […]
No longer a normal business
Ruth Malone, Editor Something was new and exciting in the air at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Singapore last week: a ramped-up visibility of the problem of the tobacco industry vector. One must wonder whether the industry may have misjudged in so aggressively challenging in the courts Australia’s decision to implement plain […]
Confronting the tobacco industry
Yesterday’s opening plenary at the WCTOH 2012 was simply dynamite – one of the best sessions I have attended. (The only downer being that that the ballroom isn’t big enough to accommodate all conference attendees.) Health ministers from Turkey, Uruguay, Australia and Norway took part in an exciting and inspiring panel discussion on how they […]
We’ve come a long way bullies
During her keynote address to the 15th World Conference on Tobacco Or Health, WHO head Margaret Chan put her own spin on the classic Virginia slims campaign, “you’ve come a long way, baby” – reminding the tobacco industry that “we’ve come a long way, bullies” since the iconic ad campaign to hook women on cigarettes. […]
Inherently Bad, and Bad Only – ebook available
Marc Linder, University of Iowa College of Law writes: I’m a law professor at the University of Iowa teaching a course on the History of the Regulation of Smoking and Tobacco in the United States who would like to bring to Tobacco Control readers’ attention my just published very lengthy web-only free-access book on this […]
Congratulations Australia on plain packaging
Ruth Malone, Editor Congratulations to our colleagues in Australia who have just passed world class, groundbreaking legislation mandating plain packaging for cigarettes! More details will follow later in the journal’s News Analysis section, but this really is taking aim at one of the industry’s major marketing venues, the one smokers hold in their hand and […]
British American Tobacco’s United Dreams of Europe
by Stan Shatenstein At the end of June, the Foundation for Future Studies (Stiftung für Zukunftsfragen) launched the online project, ‘United Dreams of Europe’ (, the goal of which was allegedly to offer “an insight into the European study of the same name to be published in autumn 2011. For this project more than 15,000 Europeans were […]
November 16 – World COPD Day
Policymakers to prevent Europe from suffocating Estimated by the World Health Organisation to rise to the third leading cause of death by 2020, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is virtually unknown amongst not only the general public but also amongst many healthcare professionals in primary care. COPD cannot be cured, which makes prevention, a timely […]