Phillip Morris, a drinking competition and a death

On April 7 this year, a 29 year old man died unnecessarily. Not due to smoking cigarettes, but from consuming alcohol shots at an illegal event sponsored by Phillip Morris Fortune Tobacco Company in The Philippines. His sister Catherine Maralit has started an online petition to bring those responsible to account.

She writes:

Last April 7, my brother died at an event illegally sponsored by Phillip Morris Tobacco Corporation. He was 29 years old.

The game Phillip Morris played with my brother’s life was this: they encouraged people to drink as many liquor shots as possible in 100 seconds. There was no medic on standby.

A police investigation into my brother’s death says that it “was caused by lapses and negligence in the party of the organisers as evident in the aftermath of the event”. Yet the people responsible for his death are still employed, no criminal charges have been laid, and Philip Morris continue to engage in illegal promotional activities.

I miss my brother every day. His widow will give birth to their first baby in a few months time, and I can’t believe that he won’t be there with us to celebrate.”

Read more here. To sign Catherine’s petition click here.

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