Congo World No Tobacco Day: Denouncing the influence of the tobacco industry on government policy

Photo and report credit: Célestin ZOUMA, Coordonateur du Réseau des ONG Congolaises de lutte antitabac ROCAT


The tobacco control group ROCAT in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Population and WHO Country celebrated World No Tobacco Day 2013 with a series of events including a press Conference by the Minister of Health briefing, outreach campaigns, and TV and radio
coverage, which took place from 30 to 31 May 2013A Brazzaville.

In a series of media interviews, the coordinator of ROCAT Celestin Zouma denounced the influence of the tobacco industry on government policy in health, and called for strict enforcement.

Outreach activities included public awareness campaigns of the dangers of smoking in public and private places, schools and police stations and police stations in the capital city.

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