By Dr Joseph Hawkins, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Ashford and St Peter’s Clinical End of Life Lead, UK. Twitter: @JoeHawk75825077 “We pride ourselves on rebranding here- sewage workers? Perhaps you’d prefer ‘essential underground sanitary removal operators’? Bus drivers? So mundane, so passé, surely you deserve the nomenclature of ‘skilled mass micro-migration managers’. Et voilà, the role […]
Latest articles
Walking the Walk: How can we use carers’ experiences to improve end-of-life care?
By Dr Erica Borgstrom The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, UK, MK7 6AA (@ericaborgstrom); Claire Henry MBE, School of Health Wellbeing and Social Care, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK (@clairehenry_); Marie Cooper, St Christopher’s Hospice, London, UK (@mariecooper100); Roberta Lovick, Lay carer representative, Norwich, UK and Kerry Jones, School of Health Wellbeing […]
“Sharing and involving online”- Outline Business Case for a national electronic Advance and Future Care Planning solution, accessible to care providers and patients
Authors Lucy McLintock, Partner at Channel 3 Consulting, London, UK Sarah Armitage, Principal Consultant at Channel 3 Consulting, London, UK Steve Ham, Chair, National Programme Board, End of Life Care, NHS Wales Executive, Gwaelod y Garth, Cardiff, UK Mark Taubert, Chair of Advance & Future Care Planning Strategy Group, Cardiff, NHS Wales The authors […]
No longer in vogue
By Dr. Joseph Hawkins, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Ashford and St Peter’s Clinical End of Life Lead, Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust. Twitter: @JoeHawk75825077 Pah! Dying, it’s hardly fashionable, is it? It’s like it is all the rage… (That was a Dylan Thomas reference, in case you missed it), But it’s hardly […]
Virtual reality technology in palliative care – Winner of best poster prize for new technology abstract at EAPC conference 2022
By Dr. Nicola White, Research Fellow, Marie Curie Research Department, University College London One of six winning conference poster abstracts from the 12th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care 2022 is outlined in this article. The abstract summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis in virtual reality (VR) technology and its current […]
War, morality, palliative care
By Dr Matthew Doré, Palliative Care Consultant in NI Hospice and Royal Victoria Hospital Belfast, Chair of the PCC Are there moral similarities between War and Palliative care? Did you notice Vladimir Putin felt he had to justify the war in Ukraine by describing it as a ‘just cause’? – by Russia liberating the tyranny […]
A project to identify the patients who we know we are missing.
By Dr. Joseph Hawkins, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Ashford and St Peter’s Clinical End of Life Lead, Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust. Twitter: @JoeHawk75825077 How do you identify the most unwell patients who aren’t already being identified- this is the question we have been asking ourselves. Ashford and St Peter’s Hospital NHS […]
Diagnosing dying.
By Dr. Joseph Hawkins, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, Ashford and St Peter’s Clinical End of Life Lead, Ashford and St Peter’s NHS Foundation Trust. Twitter: @JoeHawk75825077 ‘I’m making them palliative, please can you come and see them’. I prefer to think of myself as the firefighter and not the arsonist- that is to say as […]
“Palliative care has some major blind spots”
Mark Taubert (MT) speaks to Julian Abel (JA) ahead of the launch of the Oxford Textbook of Public Health Palliative Care MT: Hi Julian, what’s happening? JA: I’m good and it was nice to meet you in person at the recent Palliative Care Congress in Telford. MT: I beat you 10:7 in the table […]
All’s wool that ends wool
Dr Matthew Doré is the Chair of the Palliative Care Congress 22/23 for the Association of Palliative Medicine for Great Britain and Ireland, which by shear good fortune, this year ran concurrently with the UK Alpaca Conference! He is also a Consultant in Palliative Medicine in Northern Ireland, enjoys his new warm alpaca socks and […]