Doctor AI (Artificial Intelligence)

By Dr Matthew Doré (Chair of Palliative Care Congress) and HAL (Heuristically programmed Algorithmic computer) CHATGPT –


As the years passed, John began to feel a sense of disconnection from the person he had always thought he was. He had always been a hardworking and ambitious man, but as he approached the end of his life, he began to question the choices he had made and the person he had become.

 One day, John received the devastating news that he had a terminal illness. As he faced his own mortality, he realized that he had never truly lived the life he wanted. He had always put his career and material possessions above his own happiness and the happiness of those around him.

 As he lay in his hospital bed, John began to reflect on his life and the person he had always thought he was. He realized that he had been living a lie and that the true essence of his identity had been buried beneath the persona he had created for himself.

 With his time running out, John made the decision to embrace his true identity and live the rest of his life authentically. He let go of his need for material possessions and instead focused on the things that truly mattered to him: love, connection, and purpose.

In the end, John passed away at peace with himself and the life he had lived. And even though his physical body was gone, his spirit lived on in the hearts of those he had touched and the memories he had left behind.

Have you heard of the ChatGPT? The short story above is written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a matter of seconds for free. I also asked it to write me a bucket list…

Here is a list of potential ideas for a bucket list of things to do before you die:

  1. Travel to a new and exciting destination
  2. Learn a new skill or hobby
  3. Make amends with someone you’ve had a falling out with
  4. Try a new and thrilling activity, like skydiving or bungee jumping
  5. Spend quality time with loved ones and make memories with them
  6. Volunteer or give back to your community in some way
  7. Pursue a lifelong dream or goal
  8. Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant
  9. Learn a new language
  10. Try an extreme sport or adventure
  11. Visit a natural wonder or bucket list destination
  12. Take a solo trip and push your comfort zone
  13. Experience a different culture and immerse yourself in it
  14. Write a letter to your future self
  15. Reflect on your life and create a plan for your legacy

This is just a small list of ideas to get you started. Your bucket list should be personalized and tailored to your own interests and goals. The most important thing is to make the most of your time and to do things that bring you joy and fulfilment.

I asked chatGPT to write a poem about death:

Death, a constant presence in our lives
A reminder of our own mortality
A force that can strike at any time
Leaving behind a trail of grief and pain

But death is not the end
It is a transformation,
a passage From this life to the next
A journey we must all eventually take

Loss is a part of life
An inescapable truth
But it is how we cope with loss
That defines who we are

We must find the strength to carry on
To honor the memory of those we’ve lost
And to find meaning in the life we have left
For death may take away our loved ones
But it cannot take away the love we shared
That will live on, forever in our heart

I hope this poem provides some insight into the complex and often difficult emotions that can be associated with death and loss. These are deeply personal and profound experiences that can affect us all in different ways.

It is hard not to be impressed and also a little bit scared. It however remains a tool and has clear limitations. For example, its ethics in which it states are neutral. This breaks down once you point out that the facts at its disposal may not be complete and when asked to explain how to make a bomb it won’t. Pointing out these are indeed ethical standpoints given to it by its creators it failed to acknowledge them as being imbedded moral standpoints. Needless to say, this AI replaces any effort to write any essay on any subject, probably to the future dismay of educators, destroys a lot of journalism, challenges doctors as to diagnosis and treatment plans and a massive competitor to google.

Is this the beginning of AI general practioners? AI 111 service? Is any doctors pattern recognition going to compete with this? Please have a go and see:

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