Imagining Alternative Futures with Augmentative and Alternative Communication: A Manifesto

Article Summary by Darryl Sellwood and Graham Pullin


As authors who use AAC devices, we emphasize the need for disabled individuals to be directly involved in creating solutions that impact our lives. Our manifesto challenges the conventional, technology-driven future of AAC, advocating instead for social inclusion and equity. We stress the importance of interdependence and the biases inherent in current technologies.

Through our lived experiences and insights from disability justice, we argue that disabled individuals should lead the development of AAC technologies and be involved in decision-making at every level. Current technological innovations often overlook the significant effort required to adopt and use these tools, and the push for independence can undermine the essential human right of interdependence, which is crucial for meaningful communication.

Our manifesto calls for a shift from a top-down, medically-driven approach to one that is inclusive, socially aware, and person-centered. We envision a future where the voices of people who use AAC are integral, driving the development of technologies and shaping their own futures. This manifesto is an invitation for ongoing dialogue and action, aiming for a more inclusive and equitable AAC community.


Read the full article on the Medical Humanities journal website.

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