March 2023 Issue

March 2023 Cover

Chronicling the Chronic: Narrating the Meaninglessness of Chronic Pain
Femke van Hout, Aukje van Rooden, Jenny Slatman

Finding more Constructive Ways Forward in the Debate over Vaccines with Increased Disability Cultural Competence
Carolin Ahlvik-Harju

(De)Troubling Transparency: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Clinical Applications [read the article summary]
Peter David Winter, Annamaria Carusi

Race, Class, Caste, Disability, Sterilisation and Hysterectomy
Alison M. Downham Moore

Broadening and Deepening the Understanding of Agency in Dementia
Millie van der Byl Williams, Hannah Zeilig

The Freighted Social Histories of HIV and Hepatitis C: Exploring Service Providers’ Perspectives on Stigma in the Current Epidemics
kylie valentine, Anthony K J Smith, Asha Persson, Rebecca Gray, Joanne Bryant, Myra Hamilton, Jack Wallace, Kerryn Drysdale, Christy E Newman

Of Not Passing: Homelessness, Addiction, Mental Health and Care During Covid-19 [read the article summary]
Johannes Lenhard, Megan Margetts, Eana Meng

Perplexity as a Provocation: Revisiting the Role of Metaphor as a ‘Place Holder’ for the Potential of Covid-19 Antibodies
Marsha Rosengarten

The Jew’s Penis: Circumcision and Sexual Pathology in Eighteenth-Century England [read the article summary]
Noelle Gallagher

‘In the Picture’: Persoectives on Living and Working with Cancer
Sophie Day, Kelly Gleason, Celia Lury, Di Sherlock, William Viney, Helen Ward

Bubbles and Lockdown in Aotearoa New Zealand: The Language of Self-Isolation in #Covid19nz Tweets [read the article summary]
Jessie Burnette, Maebh Long

Making Space for Disability Studies Within a Structurally Competent Medical Curriculum: Reflections on Long Covid [read the article summary]
Joanne Hunt

Somewhere Out There in a Place No One Knows: Yoko Ogawa’s The Memory Police and the Literature of Forgetting [read the article summary]
John Henning

Crip the Elders and Get Out of White Privilege Free
Leslie Swartz

The Covid-19 Vaccine Patent: A Right without Rationale
Nabeel Mahdi Althabhawi, Ali Adil Kashef Al-Ghetaa

Evolution in Health and Medical Humanities Education: A Proposal for Accreditation
Sarah L Berry, Anna-leila Williams, Erin Gentry Lamb, Craig M Klugman

Indigenous History in Health Education
Macey Flood

White Supremacy Culture and the Assimilation Trauma of Medical Training: Ungaslighting the Physician Burnout Discourse
Rupinder K Legha, Nathalie N Martinek

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