September 2019 Issue

September 2019 Issue Essential(ist) medicine: promoting social explanations for racial variation in biomedical research [read the article summary]
Iliya Gutin

Extraordinary minds, impossible choices: mental health, special skills and television
Rebecca C Beirne

How The Fault in Our Stars illuminates four themes of the Adolescent End of Life Narrative [read the article summary]
Anna Obergfell Kirkman, Jane A Hartsock, Alexia M Torke

The Participatory Zeitgeist: an explanatory theoretical model of change in an era of coproduction and codesign in healthcare improvement
Victoria Jane Palmer, Wayne Weavell, Rosemary Callander, Donella Piper, Lauralie Richard, Lynne Maher, Hilary Boyd, Helen Herrman, John Furler, Jane Gunn, Rick Iedema, Glenn Robert

‘The few cubic centimetres inside your skull’: a neurological reading of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four
Lisa J Mullen

Twenty years of management of care in Chile: what we know, what we do not know, what is yet to come. An analysis of arguments
Ricardo A Ayala

Vulnerability as practice in diagnosing multiple conditions
Lindsay-Ann Coyle, Sarah Atkinson

A politics of the senses: the political role of theKing’s-Evil in Richard Wiseman’s Severall Chirurgicall Treatises [read the article summary]
Adam S Komorowski, Sang Ik Song

Disrupted breath, songlines of breathlessness: an interdisciplinary response
Alice Malpass, James Dodd, Gene Feder, Jane Macnaughton, Arthur Rose, Oriana Walker, Tina Williams, Havi Carel

Parroting patriots: interspecies trauma and becoming-well-together [read the article summary]
Brad Bolman

What’s in it for the animals? Symbiotically considering ‘therapeutic’ human-animal relations within spaces and practices of care farming [read the article summary]
Richard Gorman

‘He’s my mate you see’: a critical discourse analysis of the therapeutic role of companion animals in the social networks of people with a diagnosis of severe mental illness [read the article summary]
Helen Brooks, Kelly Rushton, Karina Lovell, Rebecca McNaughton, Anne Rogers

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