Science Fiction in Bioethics: A Role for Feminist Narratology

Article Summary by Dr Evie Kendal 

This work considers why research focused on ethical issues in science and medicine frequently draw on images and ideas from science fiction, particularly when discussing emerging technologies in reproductive medicine. It argues that science fiction stories can provide a useful starting point when thinking about technologies that don’t yet exist in the real world and how they might be used for good and bad purposes.

Read the full article on the Medical Humanities journal website.


Kendal, Evie - Science fiction in bioethics a role for feminist narratologyDr Evie Kendal is a bioethicist and public health researcher at the Department of Health Sciences and Biostatistics, Swinburne University of Technology. Evie completed her Bachelor of Biomedical Science in 2008, specialising in human pathology and behavioural neuroscience, before completing a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Classical Studies (Latin) and Philosophy, with First Class Honours in English Literature. She completed her Master of Bioethics in 2012 and her PhD in Bioethics from Monash University in 2018. Evie also completed a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at James Cook University in 2017, specialising in reproductive and environmental health. Evie’s research interests include ethical dilemmas in emerging biotechnologies, space ethics, and public health ethics.

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8414-0427 | LinkedIn

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