The Doctor as Humanist: Humanism In Surgery Symposium Announcement

Symposium Announcement

CFP – The Doctor As Humanist

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Medical humanities have been rising all over the world due to the challenges posed by scientific and technological advancements that provide us with the means to treat, cure and prolong life, but not necessarily with person-centred care. Covid has unveiled many invisible issues that need to be reflected upon and to be kept in our memories so that the lessons learnt are not forgotten.

In spite of the increase in Medical Humanities, the field of Surgery has not been the focus of attention, mainly due to the belief that, in spite of all the dance and theatre involved, surgeries are too technical to be scrutinized by Arts and Humanities.This symposium will offer an adequate venue for research groups in Narrative Medicine and Medical Humanities, academics, health professionals working in the context of surgery, and specialists in Arts and Humanities from around the world to exchange knowledge, experiences, perspectives and research outputs. Moreover, it will also provide opportunities for networking and future research collaborations.

The symposium will bring together researchers from multidisciplinary domains, such as literature and the arts, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, pharmacy, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, and bioethics.Accordingly, the conference target audience is mixed: from surgeons and other healthcare professionals working in or related to surgical environment, to medical humanities scholars and students.

This event will count on the presence of leading scholars in the MH and NM field, including members of DASH (The Doctor as a Humanist), EUNAMES (European Narrative Medicine Society) and GERMEN.

The programme includes plenary sessions with keynote speakers, roundtables with guest speakers and parallel panels, through abstract submission.

The President of the Royal College of Surgeons (Ed) ( Prof Mike Griffin) will open the Conference, and there will be a variety of speakers from around the world including a Special British Journal of Surgery Guest Speaker, Prof Julio Mayol, as well as speakers from the fields of Narrative Medicine, Bioethics, Nursing, Archaeology and Architecture as well a series of short communications from medical students and a Humanistic Surgery Innovation Challenge.

The symposium will draft a Manifesto made up of the ideas and contributions of those attending, and an Artist-in-Residence will record the event visually.

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