Dósis: Issue 1.1, Sickness and Health in the Era of Trump

CFP: Sickness and Health in the Era of Trump

The editors of the online magazine Dósis: medical humanities + social justice — a new project of the website Med Hum | Daily Dose — are seeking contributors for their debut issue: ‘Sickness and Health in the Era of Trump’. Since January 2017 US Americans have seen the steady erosion of their national — and international — well-being under the GOP-led government. We have also seen citizens and residents in all corners of the US mounting a steady resistance against the erasure of progress made in the eight years of President Obama’s administration. Progress toward better access to healthcare, environmental sustainability, de-escalation of violence, and the recognition of human rights for all people living within and without national borders. Dósis seeks essays, commentary, reviews, and visual art that speaks to both destruction and resistance in the era of Trump.

Pitches for essays, commentary, and reviews will be considered on a rolling basis between now and 20 November 2017. First drafts will be due to the editor by 15 December 2017, editorial feedback will be provided by 15 January 2018 and final drafts will be due by 1 February 2018.

For further information you can contact the managing editor, Hanna Clutterbuck-Cook at submissions@medhumdosis.com.

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