Ayesha Ahmad: EVENT – Irish Eyes: Vision in Modern Irish Culture (03-04/12/12)

The Centre for the Humanities and Health at King’s College London invites you to a series of events to investigate the relationship between ‘Irishness,’ vision and medicine in modern Irish art and literature.

Join us on Monday 3rd December 2012 at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists for a tour of their collection of antique ophthalmological instruments and a Private View of an original art installation by contemporary Irish artist Sheelagh Broderick.

On 4th December at King’s College London there will be presentations and a panel discussion about William Wilde, James Joyce and William Orpen, followed by a keynote address by leading historian of Irish medicine, Professor Catherine Cox, from University College Dublin.

For further details of the programme, please see: http://www.kcl.ac.uk/innovation/groups/chh/events/Irish-Eyes.aspx

Organisers: Keren Hammerschlag, David Stone, Maria Vaccarella

Cost: £5

Registration: http://estore.kcl.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&prodid=123&deptid=18&catid=36

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