Bye-Bye Saatchi Bill?

It would appear that Lord Saatchi’s Medical Innovation Bill is toast.

The Lib Dems, who are reportedly the ones to have vetoed it, are nevertheless being mealy-mouthed about something they should be proclaiming from the rooftops: the Bill is/ was needless at best, and possibly dangerous.  But, hey: there’s an election coming up, and cancer treatment is politically important; meanwhile, the party isn’t popular, and could probably have expected a set of “Lib Dems veto miracle cure” headlines had they made that move.

Which, when you read the Graun‘s article, isn’t a million miles away from Saatchi’s response:

“By killing the bill they have killed the hopes of thousands of cancer patients. It is as simple as that. Nick Clegg has handed down a death sentence to cancer patients.”

Which is, of course, untrue.  But, hey: whatever else he may be, Saatchi’s a great ad-man, and there’s an election coming up…

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