Understanding study designs for nurses who ‘don’t do’ epidemiology

Nova Corcoran,  University of South Wales. It’s that word ‘epidemiology’. Possibly it makes people think another other unpleasant word – ‘statistics’. Usually it takes you back to being a nursing student again and those research methods lectures that were full of words like p-values and confidence intervals.  In practice, nurses (and other health care practitioners) […]

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How online patient communities are changing the face of cancer care

How online patient communities are changing the face of cancer care By Marie Ennis – O’Connor  Twitter @JBBC There is a revolution occurring in healthcare, perhaps most noticeably in oncology; the rapid pace of new discoveries, advent of genomics, targeted therapies, telemedicine, and personalized medicine, alongside growing access to internet-based educational and support resources is […]

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Are nurses inspirational?

Last month the United Kingdom Royal Mint announced that an image of Lord Kitchener, wartime general, would appear on a series of £2 coins marking the outbreak of World War One in 1914.  Social media commentaries highlighted that Lord Kitcheners’ famous army recruitment slogan ‘your country needs you’ glorified war, leading to alternative suggestions such […]

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Falling Through the Cracks

Despite primary health care reform in almost every country in the developed world, the most vulnerable often continue to face terrible difficulties in getting the care they need in a seamless and coordinated fashion.  This situation is felt most acutely in the last year of life, for those dealing with disability, debilitation and palliation.  We […]

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EBN Journal Chat – Managing patient deterioriation – 05/02/14, 8-9pm

Deterioration in acutely unwell patients can occur rapidly and have detrimental effects, therefore it is important to observe, identify and act to improve patient outcomes. In observing the patient you would be expected to monitor and record the following, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration with oxygen saturation, temperature, urine output, fluid intake (accurate fluid balance) and blood glucose level. […]

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Transition between child and adult services for people with a learning disability and life limiting condition – what does it mean?

Rebecca Haydock- RNLD, PhD student, School of Human and Health Sciences, University of Huddersfield. Contact e-mail u0954407@hud.ac.uk. Having recently commenced a PhD, which is focussing on the transition between child and adult services for people with a learning disability and life limiting condition, I have been deliberating the meaning of transition and exploring issues relating […]

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Why not publish?

Most of the time I work as a professor in a nursing department at a university.  There is a very high expectation to publish papers and present at conferences and such.  The publishing aspect of my work led to editorial work with EBN.  The articles and presentations that I put together are largely focused on […]

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