Mentoring and supporting student nurses by Suzanne Van Zyl, Senior Sister Critical Care Unit, The London Clinic

I work in a critical care unit and one of my roles is to organize the overall support and mentoring for student nurses on placement on my unit. Having undertaken this role for a number of years. I know that there are different types of learners, auditory (hear), visual (see) and kinesthetic (touch) (Honey and […]

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The need to focus on public health nursing by Wendy J Nicholson, Department of Health 
Public Health Nursing 
Professional Officer – School and Community Nursing. Twitter @WendyJNicholson

The next EBN TWITTER journal chat will take place on Wednesday 23rd July 2014 8-9 pm (UK time) and focus on public health nursing challenges and roles. Before joining in the Twitter Chat you might like to read the associated Blog Introduction Over the last few years we have been fortunate to work with a number […]

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Can Qualitative research help us to deliver better primary care services? By Calvin Moorley and Josephine Bardi.

On Twitter @CalvinMoorley @JoBardi01 I have recently been collecting data for a research project on life after stroke funded under the Mary Seacole award for Leadership in Nursing. The data collection method is semi structured indepth interviewing and by its given nature is qualitative research (Robson 2011). My project investigates the lived experience of stroke […]

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Outcome measurement and valuation – what is it and why do we need it?

Last week I spent a couple of days in York, England exploring outcome measurement and valuation for Health Technology Assessment with academics from the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York. People attended from across the world and I sat beside colleagues from many countries including India, Ghana, Switzerland, Greece, Denmark, Spain and […]

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Understanding the emotional health and wellbeing of our Military Children and Young People

Paul Watson RN (mental health) Twitter @Paul_RMHN Recent conflicts in both Iraq and Afghanistan have seen British Armed Forces at war for over 12 years. The extreme length of combat operations has seen a growth in both governmental and public support for the ‘troops on the ground’. There has been a distinctive escalation in government […]

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