Fine tune your domestic violence radar: Nursing and COVID-19

This blog from Professor Caroline Bradbury-Jones (@jones_bradbury) starts our week-long focus on violence and abuse.  Caroline leads a research programme at the University of Birmingham called Risk Abuse and Violence that undertakes national and international research and scholarly work.  Caroline was also part of a team who together with colleagues at Nottingham University HELM and […]

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From Student to Newly Qualified Nurse (NQN) during Covid-19: A transition unlike any other

by Dr Jane Wray, Associate Editor Evidence-Based Nursing As the COVID-19 pandemic has continued we have become increasingly concerned about the impact on students and colleagues’ mental health and wellbeing. Research carried out without of the UK indicates that those caring directly for COVID-19 patients are at greatest risk of increased distress – reporting more […]

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Self care, public health messaging and moral responsibilities during a global health emergency – a patient perspective

Blog by Noirin O’Neill As a patient and a person who has survived a life – threatening hemorrhaging form of leukemia in 2004 at 30 years of age, I care deeply about patient involvement, patient empowerment and self-care.  I know that self- care will help me as a patient to live better with my health […]

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Nursing and Post Pandemic Health Challenges

By Roberta Heale, Associate Editor EBN, @robertaheale @EBNursingBMJ This International Year of the Nurse and Midwife has tested us like never before.  Although the world has been waiting for a pandemic, and there have been scares (SARS, MERS, Ebola), here we are with COVID 19.  Nurses the world over have packed away their celebratory banners […]

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