FSRH Welcomes Nurses at a one day conference


The FSRH is delighted that from January 2014 nurses are Eligible to become members of the FSRH and to undertake training for the Nurse Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health Care (NDFSRH), the Letters of Competence in both intrauterine devices and subdermal implants and the postgraduate qualification in medical education. The organising committee has planned this ‘one off’ meeting to update delegates on FSRH qualifications and to provide a general update on contraception, together with a motivational speaker on communication skills. This event is aimed at all nurses working in sexual and reproductive health in any setting, service managers and lecture practitioners.


Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists

27 Sussex Place, London, NW1 4RG

 Course Fee £130.

For Nurse Diplomate & Associate members £120

Please make cheques payable to FSRH and send to

Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, 27 Sussex Place, London, NW1 4RG

Full programme




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