Støvland VR, Amundsen R, Paulsen G, et al. Prepare to fail or failing to prepare? Acute performance after the 11+ with and without strength exercises.


The full article can be found here


Tell us more about yourself and the author team

I am a postgraduate from the Norwegian School of Sport Science. Football is one of my passions, and I still play at the semi-professional level in Norway. TDL is the research manager at SINTEF Digital and the leader of the research group for health and performance technology. TDL was my supervisor on my master’s degree. RA is a Ph.D. student at the Oslo Trauma Research Center. He holds a Master’s degree in sports physiology from the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences. RA was the co-supervisor for the master`s thesis. GP is a professor at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. His main area of research is Recovery from exercise and adaptation to training, with a focus on skeletal muscles.


Corresponding author: Varg Ringdal Støvland


What is the story behind your study?

Author: I was given the opportunity to participate in this project and write my master`s thesis about our findings. The idea was to present it as an article about a sub-analysis of our data. Still, for different reasons, I got the opportunity to write it about the primary outcomes of our study.


In your own words, what did you find?

Author: We found that performing strength training as part of a warm-up routine may cause fatigue and decrease performance.


What was the main challenge you faced in your study?

Author: The main challenge was the recruitment and logistics of collecting data on football players in a period where games and training were constantly rescheduled due to COVID-19.


If there is one take-home message from your study, what would that be?

Author: Injury preventive exercises should be performed to reduce the risk of injuries. However, they must be scheduled when they won’t interfere with performance.

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