Around 1 in 10 cases worldwide might be associated with drinking, estimate the researchers Drinking alcohol may be linked to pre-menstrual syndrome, or PMS for short, suggests a pooled analysis of published study data in the online journal BMJ Open. Based on the global prevalence of alcohol drinking and their study findings, the Spanish researchers […]
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Huge variation in prescribing practice for gluten free foods in England
Those in most deprived areas least likely to get a prescription Prescribing practice for gluten free foods in England varies hugely, and doesn’t seem to be driven by obvious medical factors, reveals research published in the online journal BMJ Open. And those living in the most deprived areas of the country are the least likely […]
Top 10 Most Read in March: dietary fats and changes in cardiovascular risk factors, declaration of conflicts of interest by clinicians and the association between eating speed and obesity
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Poor practice on conflict of interest in NHS may be damaging trust in clinicians
US-style statutory body needed to ensure all trusts have strong policies in place, say researchers Many NHS trusts in England are failing to log, track, or disclose information on conflicts of interest (COI) for their staff, so potentially undermining public trust in health professionals, suggests research published in the online journal BMJ Open. A statutory […]
New requirements for patient and public involvement statements in BMJ Open
Patient partnership at The BMJ: Walking the talk In 2014, The BMJ launched it’s patient partnership strategy, seeking “to promote patient partnership by walking the talk“. The strategy, informed by an international patient advisory panel, launched a number of innovative editorial practices, including patient peer review and patient co-production of educational articles. Listening to patients’ voices […]
Surgeries employing GPs with additional training in complementary medicine appear less likely to prescribe antibiotics
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Top 10 most read in February: Eating speed and obesity, micronutrients in low-carbohydrate diets, high-carbohydrate intake and obesity, urinary bisphenol A in teenagers
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2016 junior doctor strikes in England had ‘significant impact’ on healthcare provision
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Slow eating speed may be linked to weight loss
…Along with cutting out after dinner snacks and not eating within 2 hours of going to sleep Slowing down the speed at which you eat, along with cutting out after dinner snacks and not eating within 2 hours of going to sleep may all help to shed the pounds, suggests research published in the online journal BMJ […]
Top 10 most read in January: patient satisfaction with hospital care and nurses, manual therapy for excessively crying infants and the timing of probiotic milk consumption during pregnancy and adverse outcomes
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