Online patient access to medical records will boost workload and litigation, GPs fear

Most family doctors surveyed fear that giving patients online access to their medical records will increase their workload and the risks of litigation, suggest the results of the largest study of its kind, published in the open access journal BMJ Open.

A significant proportion did agree that there would be benefits for patients. Among the 400 GPs who responded to the survey, 7 out of 10 (70%; 280) agreed that patients would better remember their care plan, while 6 out of 10 respondents believed that access would help patients feel more in control of their care (60%; 243).

But most (91%; 364) felt that patients would worry more as a result, or find their GP records more confusing than helpful (85%; 338). And 6 in 10 (60%; 240) believed that most patients would find significant errors in their records.

An increase in workload and potential litigation were also major concerns for respondents. An overwhelming majority (89%; 357) believed they will, or already, spend more time addressing patients’ questions outside of consultations as a result, and that consultations will/already take significantly longer (81%; 322).

Of further concern is that nearly 3 out of 4 (72%; 289) said they will be/already are less candid in their documentation as a consequence of the move. And nearly two-thirds (62%; 246) felt the risks of litigation would increase.

“We emphasise that studies of patients’ experiences in diverse countries question the robustness of this perspective,” write the study authors. “However, it will be important for ongoing studies in the UK to evaluate and continue to assess both GPs’ and patients’ experiences with access.”

But like it or not, “in England, patients’ online access to their GPs’ records is here to stay,” they add. “In the coming months, it will be crucial for GPs, primary care staff, and patients to adapt to this radical change in practice.”

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