Those who cannot do so cannot be entrusted to lead the NHS by Roger Kline

Following on from the powerful blog “After the speeches…” that outlined actions needed to reduce discrimination, we are delighted to publish a ten part blog series by Roger Kline with suggestions on how to tackle structural racism in the NHS. In 2018, internationally known recruitment consultants told an NHS organisation I was advising that “inclusion” […]

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Leading wisely in the post-COVID-19 era by Dr. Ole Tjomsland and Dr. Jan Frich

Health care delivery systems and health care leaders globally are facing huge shifts in clinical services following the COVID-19 pandemic. Societal closedown has led to a decline both in acute and elective services, and hospitals have restructured services in order to manage patients with suspected COVID-19. Staff-fatigue and hospitals not designed for cohort isolation may […]

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Ahead of the second wave: COVID-19 and BME staff by Roger Kline

Following on from the powerful blog “After the speeches…” that outlined actions needed to reduce discrimination, we are delighted to publish a ten part blog series by Roger Kline with suggestions on how to tackle structural racism in the NHS.   At least 272 NHS staff died from COVID-19 (1). They were disproportionately of Black […]

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‘Magical Meander’: What made me a medical manager?

The pressures and demands that the COVID pandemic has placed on health and care are unprecedented. Amid the suffering and loss, health and care professionals’ responses to the demands are heart-warming. Clinicians, managers, academics and policy makers joined up with thousands of volunteers to provide timely, compassionate care as a priority above all else. Team […]

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Leading Healthcare Innovation: examples from the UK and Netherlands by Rob Sheffield and Geert Schols

The Covid-19 pandemic has put healthcare practices in the global spotlight. And we’ve seen extraordinary innovations take place, within and across organisations and countries, and in streets and communities. But the innovation market has been rising for years, in healthcare and beyond. Organisations want people who can turn ideas into value. Employees want these skills […]

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Can you recognise the “IN” and “OUT” leaders? by Kamal R. Mahtani and Sean Heneghan

The COVID-19 pandemic has created opportunities for people to lead in different ways. In this piece, we highlight the concept of “IN” and “OUT” leadership. The idea was first brought to our attention in a Harvard Business Review article by Gill Korkindale. We summarise and extend the features of “IN” and “OUT” leadership and hypothesise that […]

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What Drives Doctors?: Reflections on Seeking Impact and Achieving Mastery over Challenge by James Stoller

I’m a big believer in coaching. Having coaches – both formal and informal – has been invaluable to me over years; at their best, coaches are thoughtful observers who can ask us the right questions to  elicit our coming up with our own right answers. I remember an “aha” moment with a talented executive coach […]

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How can we protect NHS BAME Staff? by Sonali Dutta-Knight

An analysis of media reports published in the Health Services Journal in April showed that 95% of the Doctors who have died from Covid-19 were from BAME backgrounds. Currently 44% of NHS doctors are identified as being BAME. To date, the NHS has not enacted a uniform, timely approach to protecting this vulnerable group of staff. […]

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Effective Followership – The Holy Grail of Improved Employee Engagement? by Keith Stanton

I have always enjoyed coming across philosophical statements that encapsulate life. One of my favorites has always been “that which I am aware of I can control, that which I am unaware of controls me”. The premise that by raising awareness you can achieve a greater degree of performance has manifested itself in numerous areas […]

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