It is fairly widely accepted that medicine is both a science and an art, that it lays claim to a rigorous evidence-based method, while recognising the impact of irreducibly human […]
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A day in the life of an MSF doctor
This evening I am pretty tired again. January and December tend to be the busiest months for the Emergency Unit and there have been a higher percentage than normal of […]
Peter Lapsley on the assisted dying debate
What interests the public and what is in the public interest can be two rather different things but can come together to argue strongly for change. Such is the case […]
Vidhya Alakeson on the US stimulus bill
While Tom Daschle waits another week for his confirmation as the Secretary of Health and Human Services, health reform has got underway without him in the form of the stimulus […]
Bruno Rushforth on the roles we play
It’s amazing how quickly one adapts. The first couple of days were a bit of a shock, but I soon accepted my fate and – rather worryingly – began to […]
Anna Donald
Anna died on the morning of 1 February, Sydney time. She was surrounded by her family and by the prayers and thoughts of her friends around the world. Anna took […]
Borrowing from our children, or stealing from them?
I was standing next to one of the most senior health care managers in the UK recently when he again professed his admiration for the BMJ as the best journal […]
Juliet Walker: BMJ in the news
More than half of carers looking after relatives with dementia report acting abusively towards them according to a research paper published last week on The researchers, from University College […]
William Lee on “A Short Stay In Switzerland”
Last night the BBC aired “A Short Stay in Switzerland”, a one-off drama based on the true story of a terminally ill doctor who killed herself in Zurich with the […]
Siddharta Yadav on changing perceptions of HIV/AIDS
There is a famous proverb in Nepali which says we learn something either by reading about it or by facing it. I prefer the latter because of the everlasting impression […]