In their recent letter to the Health and Social Care Secretary the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advised that although prisons may be higher risk in terms of […]
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Social prescribing may help reduce symptoms of depression in people with dementia
As a medical student, I learned about medication and non-medication strategies for reducing symptoms of depression and other neuropsychiatric symptoms (e.g. agitation, anxiety) in people with dementia. While non-medication strategies […]
Nick Scriven: Protecting healthcare staff welfare following the “Third Wave”
As the NHS battles to recover from the tsunami of patients afflicted by covid-19, already exhausted medical and nursing staff need to find the energy and compassion to carry on, […]
Pallavi Bradshaw: Can the usual legal tests be applied fairly in cases involving remote consultations during the pandemic?
We will have all heard the phrase “the Bolam test”—the case itself is so memorable because of its shocking facts. While new cases have added to and set precedence regarding […]
Rosemary Clarke: Nursing as a junior doctor
Rosemary Clarke describes how time spent supporting a nursing team can make junior doctors more confident in their bedside skills […]
Covid-19 has shown we can end the world’s biggest infectious disease killer, TB, once and for all
This pandemic has shown the devastating results of the world’s failure to invest in health: hospitals were overwhelmed, existing inequities were amplified, and people already living with preventable diseases, such […]
The TB community in 2021—tired, frustrated, but hopeful
The TB community continues to tackle one of the world’s oldest epidemics while struggling with the newest one, writes Catherine Berry […]
What matters most now is to make sure that we don’t experience another devastating covid-19 wave
At the start of the year, Portugal was experiencing a very high rate of covid-19, three authors reflect on what lessons need to be learnt to prevent another wave […]
Clara Munro: The NHS Staff survey raises concerns, but does it tell us the whole story?
Recently NHS England and NHS improvement published the results of the NHS staff survey 2020. This collated responses from employees over an eight week period in the autumn of 2020. […]
Will Warburton: Translating praise for the NHS into practical support for recovery
The NHS looks set to emerge from the covid-19 pandemic with its status enhanced. The public have “clapped for carers,” displayed NHS rainbows in their windows, and every adult will […]