The UK transport minister, Grant Shapps, announced on 28 April 2021 that the UK government plans to use the existing NHS App to provide proof of covid-19 vaccination status for […]
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Mongolian pastoralists face covid-19 with traditional calm
Nomadic people represent an unusual challenge during pandemics. With herders comprising a large part of Mongolia’s population, Troy Sternberg looks at their experiences of covid-19 […]
Equity is key to ending this pandemic and preparing for the next
Prioritise the most vulnerable women, children, adolescents and health workers with covid-19 vaccines and essential health services, write Helen Clark and Anuradha Gupta. We all know covid-19 is a killer. […]
Enhancing UK action and promoting equity of access to global covid-19 vaccines
Richer nations have a vital role to play in ensuring equity of access to covid-19 vaccines around the world, say Maggie Rae and Helen Stokes-Lampard […]
Exhausted, grieving, and struggling not to lose hope—an emergency physician in Iran
Before the covid-19 pandemic, if I was asked whether I still would have chosen to become an emergency medicine specialist after 10 years of practice, I wouldn’t have felt even […]
Ignoring systemic racism hinders efforts to eliminate health inequalities in childhood
Failure to address all drivers of health inequalities in childhood, including structural racism, means failing another generation of children, say Ian Sinha and colleagues […]
Pandemic preprints—a duty of responsible stewardship
The covid-19 pandemic has led to increased interest in pre-prints among clinicians and the general public. But where does the balance lie between open sharing of research and minimizing the […]
An open letter to the new president of the Academy of Medical Sciences on the future of the Academy
Dame Anne Johnson, professor of epidemiology and director of the Centre of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at University College London, became president of the Academy at the end of 2020 Dear […]
A pandemic treaty: where are we now that the leaders have spoken?
Devastated by covid-19, the world is braced for future pandemics. If we are to avoid this fate, then bolder global solutions will be required. On 30 March 2021, twenty eight […]
What should we ask of a new global treaty for pandemic preparedness?
Supra-national health action agencies are needed in every WHO region or continent, to predict, prevent and respond to pandemics Twenty five of the world’s leaders recently called for a new […]