Deborah Cohen 8 May 15h30: BMJ/CEBM submission to select committee about medical implants regulation

Deborah Cohen Over the coming weeks, the House of Commons science and technology committee will take verbal evidence about the regulation of medical implants. The BMJ—together with the Centre of Evidence Based Medicine at Oxford University—has already submitted a report based on research and investigations done over the past few years.



Specifically, the committee will look at:

  • Are current legislation and regulations on safety and efficacy of medical implants fit for purpose?
  • How effectively does the Medicines and Healthcare Products Agency (MHRA) implement the directive in the UK?
  • How could the legislation and regulations be improved?
  • How could the European Commission ensure that potential changes to the medical devices directive do not hinder the introduction of innovations in medical implants to the market.

To read the CEBM/BMJ submission, follow the link:

Medical Implant_ Science and Techonlogy Committee_Final version_for BMJ