Blog Team



Dr Brandy Schillace is the Editor-in-Chief of Medical Humanities.

Digital Projects Co-Ordinator

Chris Pak is a Lecturer in Contemporary Writing and Digital Cultures at Swansea University. Alongside his interest in the Medical Humanities, he is fascinated by science and culture in literature, film and other media, the Environmental Humanities and the Digital Humanities. More information can be found on his website.

Film and Media Correspondent

Dr Khalid Ali, senior lecturer in Geriatrics and Stroke Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School. Khalid has written film reviews since 2002. In 2014 he was selected as a programmer for the Sudan Independent Film Festival (SIFF), and in January 2017 he founded the First Arab Forum for Medicine in Film, Egypt Medfest.

Book Reviews Editor

Laura Grace Simpkins is a writer, performer, and illustrator. She is currently working with the Wellcome Collection on an essay series about the medication lithium carbonate and its environmental side effects and is hoping to commence a Creative and Critical Writing PhD later this year. Her essays and reviews have been published (or are forthcoming) by It’s Freezing in LA and The Polyphony, and have been broadcast on BBC Radio. Her website is at

Global Health Correspondent

Dr. Ayesha Ahmad is a philosopher with a PhD in medical ethics. She is a lecturer in Global Health at St George’s University of London, and an Honorary Lecturer at the Institute for Global Health, University College London. She specialises in mental health and the humanities in the context of gender-based violence in conflict, developing trauma therapeutic interventions using traditional storytelling in extreme situations, such as in Afghanistan. She is also a writer of poetry.

Blog Editor

Dr. Cristina Hanganu-Bresch (website) is Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia. She has published mostly on the rhetoric of health and medicine with a focus on psychiatry (among others: antidepressant advertising; asylum records and memoirs; psychiatric diagnoses; orthorexia). Her other interests include animal studies; poetry and poetry translation; and scientific communication.

Blog Content Editor

Janina Levin is a literary critic that has published peer-reviewed articles on ethics in storytelling and is currently writing about the moral obligations implied in the doctor/patient relationship.

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