June 2024 Special Issue: Making Modern Maternity

June 2024 CoverMaking Modern Maternity [Podcast]
Whitney Wood, Heather A Love, Jerika Sanderson, Karen Weingarten

The reckoning table, the periodoscope and the shaping of modern pregnancy in nineteenth-century print forms
Mary Elizabeth Leighton, Lisa Surridge

Motherhood, wet-nursing and nation: nineteenth-century Brazilian medical perspectives [read the article summary]
Tiago Fernandes Maranhão

“The highest in each class was a twilight baby”: scientific motherhood, twilight sleep and the eugenics movement in McClure’s Magazine [read the article summary]
Jerika Sanderson, Heather A Love

Federal field nurses and Indigenous births
Laurel Sanders

Motherhood, medicine and magazines in interwar Vienna: the case of Die Mutter (The Mother, 1924–1926) [read the article summary]
Alys X George

Raising the Jewish nation: prescriptions of modern motherhood in folksgeszunt to Jews in interwar Eastern Europe
Ethell Alexandra Gershengorin

‘What’s a D and C between friends?’ Space, intimacy and the medicalisation of unmotherhood in modernist literature [read the article summary]
Kate Schnur

‘Mrs. Don’t Care’: refusing modern Black motherhood in Nella Larsen’s Quicksand [read the article summary]
Matty Hemming

Lanka Mahila Samiti, Mary Rutnam and girls’ education
Jessica Annette Albrecht

You and Your Baby (home, husband, and doctor): maternal responsibility in the British Medical Association booklet (1957–1987) [read the article summary]
Kate Errington

Portals to the past and bridges to the future: exploring the impact of doulas on the birthing experiences of black and Latinx women
Victoria Rose Gregorio, Sneha Mantri

Fluid modernities: the birthing pool in late twentieth-century Britain
Victoria Bates, Jennifer Crane, Maria Fannin

The right time: women, medicine and maternal age in 1980s Aotearoa New Zealand [read the article summary]
Charlotte Greenhalgh

The big heroine genre: motherhood and the maternal body in postsocialist Chinese television [read the article summary]
Chelsea Wenzhu Xu

From the womb to the world: a study of pregnancy narratives by celebrity moms in India [read the article summary]
Pratyusha Pramanik, Ajit K Mishra

Smoothies, bone broth, and fitspo: the historicity of TikTok postpartum bounce-back culture [read the article summary]
Bethany L Johnson, Margaret M Quinlan, Audrey Curry

#Headlesspreggos: challenging visual imaginaries of pregnancy and reproduction [read the article summary]
Alana Cattapan, Danielle Mastromatteo


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