Women’s Global Health in Film

Announcement by Professor Hassan Shehata

Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists
Thursday 30th November 2023
10-18 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ

Women's Global Health in Film

Led by the RCOG Senior and Global Health Vice President,Professor Hassan Shehata, in collaboration with MedFest, this unique event will showcase a series of critically acclaimed and thought-provoking short films that shed light on important women’s health issues.



  • Powerful films on topics including female genital mutilation (FGM),domestic violence, postnatal depression and refugee medicine
  • Interactive sessions with healthcare professionals, charityorganisations, advocates, scholars and filmmakers
  • The opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences and explorepotential solutions to key women’s health issues

Tickets cost £20 and all proceeds will support the RCOG’s Global Health activities

Find out more and book now at: rcog.org.uk/events


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